Aug 012022

This is not for me. Instead, I was contacted by Someone Some Of You Might Know (and whose work *all* of you should know), who is working on a project and needs a bit of help. Specifically, dimensioned, accurate, detailed diagrams of the Weber ejection seat used on the F-106:

Sadly, this is the best I seem to have on hand:

Anybody have anything they can share or point to?

 Posted by at 9:39 pm

  4 Responses to “Looking for: Weber F-106 Ejection Seat diagrams”

  1. If I’m the “Someone Some Of You Might Know” that you mentioned, then thanks for sharing the Weber diagram. It’s just what I was looking for. I have some photos of a seat that was modified for ‘Land of the Giants’ and is now sitting on the porch of an old guy in Texas, but I had no way to ascertain the scale of anything. Now I can get to work.

    Thanks again,

  2. Glad to be of help, as limited as it was. *Somewhere* out there are plans and reports and manuals that would allow one to build one of these from scratch, but sadly, “somewhere” doesn’t include my files. Personally I find this to be an outrageous injustice. The government needs to give me an annual stipend of half a million or so so I can go from archive to archive photocopying, photographing and scanning all the aerospace history I can. Like some 1980’s TV hero, roaming the highways looking for adventure in my advanced, talking, self-driving automocar…

  3. Likewise, somebody should pay for the position of Documentarian for sci-fi TV shows & movies. Every time I’ve asked somebody who worked at ILM a technical question about a model, they’ll reply, “We were working on the model till 4:00 a.m. twenty years ago, and I don’t remember anything.”

    That’s why I’m a sci-fi archaeologist.

    Thanks again for your help.


    • There’d be a lot of overlap with “aerospace archeologist/documentarian” and “sci-fi documentarian/archeologist.” And a *lot* of that overlap would be “constant sense of frustration and barely repressed anger.”

      “What do you *mean* you fed the entirety of Boeing’s AMSA/B-1 effort into the shredder?!?!?!”
      “What do you *mean* you dumped Space Station V onto a playground for children to destroy?!?!?!”

      I suspect the Venn Diagram for the two positions would end up looking pretty much like a circle.

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