Aug 102014

The rewards for my Patreon patrons have now been released. This months selections include:

Diagram: a very large, very nice layout of the Avro Arrow. This was voted on by the top-level patrons.

Document: a report on the Vought Regulus II cruise missile which includes some very nice layout and inboard diagrams of both the operational and test missiles. This was voted for by the top-level patrons.

Document: “Introduction to Kistler Aerospace Corporation,” a full-color brochure from 1995 describing the K-0 sorta-SSTO launch vehicle (which would use an “launch platform”).

Additionally, for the higher-level patrons ($5 and up) there are three all-new CAD diagrams:

1) The Boeing “Big Onion” SSTO from the 1970s, meant to launch Solar Power Satellite components

2) The Space Shuttle Main Engine

3) The Northrop Tacit Blue stealth testbed. This is, so far as I’m aware, the first time that a clear and accurate three-view of this aircraft has been released publicly.

I’ve changed things a little bit from last month. At each patronage level, there are different levels of rewards. Each level has its own message under the “Creations” tab just above the APR logo at my Patreon page. And in the upper righthand corner of each message is a little gray rectangle with “Zip” in it. This is the link to the ZIP archive containing the files for that specific patronage level. If you are a higher-level patron, this may not include all the files you are entitled to. You should be able to download everything from the lower-level patron messages.


2014-06 regulus 2014-08 CAD 2014-08 arrow 2014-08 kistler



 Posted by at 2:50 am

  One Response to “Patreon: August rewards released”

  1. It is interesting that plans that were made in the 50″s and the 60’s are now being concidered as new ideas. I would guess these are the “New Generations”. Anyways, Boeings “Big Orion” designs are being introduce as a smaller version design for Space X. Seven astronuant vehicle that goes up to the ISS (or else where), and back down to earth useing rocket engines instead of parachute, then to be reused again for later flights.
    Northrope “Tacit Blue Stealth” know to the U.S. Air Force as the “Flying Bath Tub” was use as a test bed, and did some photographing shortly after the Los Angeles earthquake in 90″s, then retired to Wright Patternson Air Force Base? It is quite small in one photograph with a officer standing next to it.

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