Oct 022022

The blog was out for a day for Unexplainable Tech Reasons. Tech support gave up and said they couldn’t fix the problem – I couldn’t log in to either of my blogs, so I couldn’t edit posts, couldn’t make new ones. They gave no hope of the problem being fixed. And yet… here we are. Yay. They work now.

That said, I’m rather sick of the problems popping up with irritating regularity. So I want to examine options. One clear problem is that both blogs (the other being https://up-ship.com/blog/) are on the same host, so if something mysteriously appears to plague one blog, it often plagues the other. I need to separate them.

I’ve tried – and hate – Discord, Facebook and Twitter. I *like* the WordPress blog, if for no other reason than I’ve grown accustomed to it. So what I might do is get new “Unwanted Blog” and “Aerospace Projects Review Blog” WordPress blogs, hosted elsewhere, then simply park a “this blog is now over yonder” post at the top of each of the legacy blogs. If someone has suggestions along those lines, by all means drop a comment.

Mood: annoyed.

 Posted by at 10:00 pm

  One Response to “And we’re back. But for how long?”

  1. The blog era is over and quite a long time ago. In fact you are a kind of dinosaur living three geological epochs beyond the Great Catastrophe.

    Too much independence, too much free will and too much out of control. I’m serious. Some people didn’t like what blogging was doing. I saw it during Katrina aftermath and with some international conflicts out of the Twitter Revolutionary Front. So Powers From Above tried to quietly suppress blogging and were quite successful on doing it. Look at Facebook or Youtube and their ever constant scandals, little and big. Got the idea?

    To be independent today is quite a Hell of an effort. Either one tries to create his own “environment”, meaning getting his own hardware, getting some software for his own purposes and creating and feeding a community of his own (I have seen a few such attempts, not very successful). Or one just drops into some sort of “ghetto” of more or less independent media content producers but risking some ideological attrition, because such platforms are created frequently on some political bias, no matter the calls for freedom of information and pluralism.

    Frankly you’re fried, much like many of us.

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